Social Mobile Cloud: Challenges and Oppurtunities


In recent years, social media has emerged as a powerful new marketing tool. It continues to be an integral part of marketing strategies across various industries, but as it is still relatively new, the learning curve is steep.

As social media and social media marketing evolves, knowledge of the field is gained by marketing professionals largely through trial and error.

We understand it can be overwhelming, frustrating and often confusing to navigate the world of social media management, and we know there’s an ample amount of social media challenges small businesses face every day.

To help you out, we have put a list of social media challenges together, along with ways to overcome these challenges and convert them into opportunities..
  • I don’t have enough time to manage social media
  • When is best time to tweet?
  • How do I create a social media marketing plan for my business?
  • What is social media engagement? And how do I know if I am doing it right?
  • Do I need to spend money on Facebook and Twitter ads?
  • Should I outsource my social media management?
  • There are so many social networks out there how do I know which one to use?
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Cloud computing can mean big changes for small businesses. Those changes have been realized by many of today’s small-business owners, from tech startups in the heart of Silicon Valley to urban and small-town mom-and-pop shops.

Here are some of the more obvious and tangible reasons why you must look at Cloud Computing for your business
1. Lower costs
One of the most obvious benefits of moving everyday business to the cloud is that it can provide small businesses with significant savings.
2. Better collaboration
Collaboration is made easy in the cloud. The ability to save and access various files through the cloud enables employees to easily work from the same master document. Cloud collaboration tools, such as Google Drive, allow users to upload, edit and comment on documents, which makes for better workplace collaboration. Additionally, employers can opt to limit what employees can access.

3. Increased flexibility
One of the most alluring benefits of cloud computing is being able to access work-related files and information from any device in any place at any time. We live in a mobile world. Long gone are the days where files are stuck on a single server on a single computer.
4. Greater integration
Adopting a cloud-based business solution creates multiple opportunities for integration -- and simplified integration, at that. Cloud-adapted small businesses have the option of integrating with various cloud-based providers.

Small businesses can take advantage of specialized services that integrate with back-office operations, from human resources to marketing to accounting. These opportunities for integration give small-business owners more time to focus on the more critical areas of business.


Your business? There’s an app for that.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for you, most small business owners don’t realize how much untapped potential lies in this marketing medium. Yes, even for small businesses. And especially for local businesses.

Does an App Make Sense for Your Business?

This is a question that you should ask yourself before we go any further. If the answer is no, you may not need to read on. The truth is that apps work well for most small businesses, but they aren’t right for every one.

If you can honestly answer yes to the following questions, you should consider creating a mobile app for your small business:

1. Would you benefit from having the ability to reach your customers 24/7?

Easy question, right? Who wouldn’t want to be able to reach customers wherever they are? It doesn’t

2. Can you provide a fun and productive mobile experience around your brand?

This one will be tricky for some small business owners to answer, but don’t be quick to answer with a no. Even if you’re just selling stuff, you can create a mobile app that combines fun and social elements with rewards and discounts. Give this some creative thought before you dismiss the idea of a mobile app. And if you’re unsure, keep reading. Inspiration may strike before you reach the end of this post.

3. Will your business benefit from a mobile app?

This is the simplest question, but possibly the most difficult to answer. It may be tempting to reach customers at all hours, but exactly how will you benefit? You should know before embarking on this journey, so your expectations are not unrealistic. In the above example of an app with rewards and discounts, the business benefits by enticing customers to shop again and again. On the other hand, if you’re a personal trainer, your goal may be to establish yourself as an expert or to build a community around your brand. Your app may be in place simply as support for your business, so tracking ROI may not be as simple, but you should still be able to define what success means for your app.

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